Wednesday, May 31, 2006

5/30 & 5/31

I didn't fair well in my cash games that last two days. Overall I lost $60 on cash tables. I played in the BluffMagazine Sponsored $1500 Sub-Event WSOP at Pokershare. I placed in the teens. I played 16 SNG's the last two days and came out up about $10. Alot of suckouts on the SNG's. I didn't meet my goal for the month. I will set new goals very soon. I have completed 85 $10 SNG's and I will post my results of the complete 100 when I get them done. I plan on playing SNG's only for the next two days then I will close out the month.

Bankroll took about a $90 hit

Current - $1388
Goal - $2000.
Goal Not Met
Days Left (0)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

5/28 & 5/29 Weekend

I didn't play that much being holiday day weekend. Basically a break even weekend

Current - $1476.88
Goal - $2000.
Need - $523.12
Days Left (2)

Saturday, May 27, 2006

5/27 Results

Had a pretty Good day today on cash games. I might start looking into putting some hand historys on here also. I also played 2 SNGs but didn't cash. BluffPokerTour event Sunday at Pokershare. Wish me luck

I like the pokertracker software so far. Aloott to still to learn.

Current - $1494.05
Goal - $2000.
Need - $503.95
Days Left (3)

Friday, May 26, 2006

5/25 & 5/26, BPT finish, Poker Tracker

5/25 - I played 4 SNGs today and came out down 22. I also played in the $26 11k tourny on Fulltilt. I placed 130th out of 500 when I ran my QQ into KK. I won $25 on cashgames so overall for the I ended down 20.

5/26 I played only SNG Today. I played 6 and here is how they went (6,3,3,3,1,1,2). It was a very good day for SNG for me and these wins have really boosted my confidence level. Over all I think I won over $80.

Bluff Event- The bluff event was at Doyle’s Room this week. Last time we hit this stop I placed 2nd. I managed to get 11th one short of the final table. I ran my AK into AA. At least I was the one pushing and not calling. This should give me approx 30 pts and bump me up a spot.

I don't think I will be able to meet my goal unless I have a huge weekend. I am not really disappointed because I haven't played as much as I had planned. I am hoping to hit $1600 at least.

I am qualified for the Bronze Ironman at Full Tilt. It is a 15k freeroll. I worked hard to get there so I am going to win that whole damn event...Hoping to at least.

I finally bought PokerTracker. I have been working with it and It is a very complex program. I think it will help my game. It will take a while for me to understand how to use it.

I started tracking my progress daily about 2 months ago. I feel using this blog has kept me focused and will assist me in taking my game to the next level. I am going to put some hard hours in the next couple of months and see what I am acually capable of.

Ok, enough blabbing Here is how the Roll looks.

Current - $1431.68
Goal - $2000.
Need - $568.32
Days Left (4)

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Had a good day on cash games today, won 60. My hands were holding and sets were floping.

Current - $1382.88
Goal - $2000.
Need - $617.12
Days Left (7)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Blogger Tournament Registered PokerStars

Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.

Registration code: 7330476

5/23 Results

I played in a few SNG's and Cash Games today. Overall I ended up about 3 dollars.

I am kinda disappointed with the results of the double shoot out for a $500 Entry to the sunday 1 million on PS. I won my first SNG no problem. I got to the Second table didn't really play any hands until we were down to 5 players. 2-7 payed $35 and frist was $530. Anyway to make a long story short I get allin with A10 on a 10 5 2 flop and am called by 10 3. He gets runner runner striaght and takes me out. I just hate the luck factor in poker. I just can't understand how some people suck so bad and get so dang lucky. Anyway Back to the grind -GL-

Current - $1340
Goal - $2000.
Need - $660
Days Left (8)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

5/22 Results

Still haven't been playing as much as I would like. Only played cash games today, I won abut 25.....

Current - $1337.20
Goal - $2000.
Need - $662.8
Days Left (9)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

5/21 - Weekend

About an even weekend I didn't play much and didn't win/lose much. Hope to play more this week. I think I will Hit SNG's Hard. Good Luck

Current - $1319.6
Goal - $2000.
Need - $680.34
Days Left (10)

Friday, May 19, 2006

4/18 BPT and PokerRoom

I placed about 50th in the BPT at PokerRoom Yesterday. I was shortstacked with AJs and pushed, got called by omenic's AA.

I did place second in there $5 Rebuy tourny. When we got heads up and he had a huge chip lead and I couldn't get it off him.

As cash games goes I didn't do so well. I my main hand where my fullhouse was beat by a bigger full house on the river.

Overall a nice day..

Current - $1356.2
Goal - $2000.
Need - $643.8
Days Left (12)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The last week.

I have been pretty busy the last couple days and haven't played much. The bluff event is tonight at PokerRoom. I will be playin in this event tonight. Not really getting anywhere on my challange, I haven't been playing enough. I have complete half of my $10 SNG Challange. For the first fifty here are my stats.

Current - $1082.54
Goal - $2000.
Need - $917.46
Days Left (12)

Friday, May 12, 2006

4/11 Loosing Streak Haulted

Finally after a 5 day loosing streak I come out a winner. I had a really good day today. My hands were finally holding up and not getting busted, I was catching cards and most importantly I feel I have regained some much needed confidence. Now it is time to do some major bankroll building!!!.... GL

Current - $1103.65
Goal - $2000.
Need - $896.35
Days Left (20)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

4/10 Bleh

KK into AA Blah

QQ into KK Bleh

Here is my bankroll Blah Bleh

Current - $904
Goal - $2000.
Need - $1094
Days Left (21)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

4/9 Results

Didn't play much - about an hour and boy was it an hour.

I took two of the most worst beats I have taken in a very long time.

First hand I have 72s in the BB. Folds around to the SB and he just calls. so there is 1 dollar in the pot. The flop comes 10 7 7 The SB auto pushes all in for $25, I think for a little while and relize nobody plays a hand that horrible. I call he has KQ. The turn 9 river J to make him a straight. Unbeliveable hand.

Then about 10 hands later I get AA in the BB, Small blind calls I raise 6xbb to $3 he calls. The flop 6 4 9, He bets $4 He raises $12 I push allin he calls for a total of $25 each. He shows A7o. The turn 8, river 5 to make him a straight. Just FN unbeliveable luck these guys had. I understand those are the kinds of calls that make you money but It still doesn't make me fell better. So for the Day I end DOWN $50. I really hope the luck turns around real soon.

Current - $940
Goal - $2000.
Need - $1060
Days Left (22)

Monday, May 08, 2006

4/6 4/7 Weekend Results. BPT

It was an up and down weekend. My last post was about how great I am running on $10 SNG's. Well, that has changed. Out of my last ten played I have only made the money once. I know I was making the right moves I just have been getting extreemly unlucky. I got KK 5 times in a raised pot when an A hits on the flop. Peoples straights and flushes are filling on me, I get a PP vs overs the overs hit, I get overs vs a PP I don't hit. This downswing sucks considering I was up over $100 for the beginning of the weekend and now I am about even. I think I just have flop lag and am sure I will pull out of it. Even after losing the last 9 My ITM rate is still 45% and ROI is at 38%. I hope my recovery is strong.

I played in the BPT sunday event at Pokershare. I didn't do much there, I ran my 1010 into AA for my final hand. I probably won't play much tonight or tomorrow due to me taking my last final and I have to watch my daughter. Good luck

Current - $994
Goal - $2000.
Need - $1006
Days Left (24)

Saturday, May 06, 2006

4/5 Results

I am really running well in the $10 SNG's I am at a 60% ITM rate and a 60% ROI after 30. I had a few more wins today which kept me alive. I didn't fair too well in the cash games today. I had on major hand I lost $50 on . I have 55 on a 3454 board, get all my money in he has KK. River is a K. I am going to keep hitting the SNG's hard for a while. I also cashed out $150 for my wife to have, Kinda hit the goal a little but It should just make it more challanging.

Here is where I stand.

Current - $1013.59
Goal - $2000.
Need - $996.41
Days Left (26)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bluff Poker Tour Full Tilt 4th.

Very Good day today. I placed 4th in the FullTilt Bluff event. It payed a little over $400. I am pleased with my finish. My final hand I ran into AA, just bad luck there. Nice boost in the bankroll. I will probably have to cash out a little to keep the wife happy.

Here is how the bankroll looks.

Current - $1212.89
Goal - $2000.
Need - $787.11
Days Left (26)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

5/3 Results

Not a good day today. I have already lost 150 at cash games so I am done for today. I probably won't play tomorrow either due to having to take finals and after a day like today I think I need a break so I can come back refreshed.

Here Is where I am sitting

Current - $806.
Goal - $2000.
Need - $1194.
Days Left (27)

I don't feel I posted enough about why I lost so much today. Normally you would hear me complain that It was bad beats, but I really fell it was just bad playing on my part. First of all I was overplaying my roll. Secondly I was acting like a calling station. I was slow playing one pair, I was making horrible bluffs. I did have a few QQ vs. KK etc but the main bulk of my losses was mainly not playing my hands correctly. I also fell my confidence level was not there today. Sets weren't hitting, I really didn't fell comfortable playing today. I remember last night I was playing great, concentrating on what I was doing and really was thinking about what my opponents might have, what they think I have, etc. I need to get back to the basics and realize that solid poker is all that is needed to win at these limits. I am contemplating playing some limit also.

I also fell that I wasn’t getting cards today. When you go on a dry spell for 30 hands, K9o starts to look lik AA. I just need to increase my patience. I am really disturbed by my play today.

5/2 Results

I played 6 $10 SNG's. I made the money on three placing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

I also played some cashgames today and won about 30.

Here is how the roll looks:

Current - $968.71
Goal - $2000
Need - $1031.29
Days Left (29)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

5/1 Didn't Play

Didn't Play Today