Thursday, June 15, 2006

Write Your Congressman Day

I could ramble on for hours about how much bullshit this legislation to ban online gambling is, but I will only state a few things. Living in the land of the free should and Needs to remain "Free". The government is pushing itself way to far into our daily lives to even propose a bill of this sort. If I want to spend my money (lose or not) at gambling, buying scrapbooking supplies, spending my whole paycheck on tennis balls (The point is it is my money, I earned it, I played my fn 27% tax on it) I should be able to. I should have the right to play a game of chance or skill if that is what I please. I don't think gambling is immoral. It is no different than any other thing people choose to do. Some people get addicted to food, porn and countless other things. The few bad (those who spend and "lose" every penny they make) are not the average joe who puts a few dollars online to have some fun and possibly win money. Basically what I am saying is the government should have a say in banning things such as crime and other things that do hurt the moral fabic of our society. They shouldn't have the right to monitor what game you play on your free time. (within reason, which gambling is) The thought that someone could receive up to 5 years in prison for playing poker makes me sick, I hope it makes you sick also. So if you haven't joined the pokerplayers alliance or written you congressman (or woman) please do so. You can find out more info by clicking this link:

The other part of this bill that pisses me off is that it directly contirdicts itself by making loopholes allowing lottery and horse racing to be bet online. The bullshit part about that is the Horse Racing Federation (or what ever its name is) has donated lots of money to the person that is proposing this bill. (total bs)

I don't see how anyone can support the supposed moral crusade the republicans are pushing for. For god sake this country was framed around the "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" So lets keep the government out of our daily lives.

I like this qoute from BodogAri's blog
""Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" - If 2 gay people want to get married, go right ahead, if that's what makes them happy. If 2 consenting adults reach a business deal, go right ahead, if that's what makes both of u happy. And lastly, if 2 (or 2 million) consenting adults want to play poker online, why the #&*% is our government (set up to protect our right to "pursue happiness") trying to stop us?"

anyway this is a sore subject for me....


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